
Isn't she so sweet.. This is a pic a friend found for me and I absolutely love it. I asked for a purple giraffe and this is what she found for me.

A really groovy giraffe with an earing... thanks I really love it

I have another one for you

I have a very close friend that loves sending some pretty funny images. And I love this picture of this little pussy cat. getting close to christmas and this is me.... stressed.

can't believe this

I can't believe that I haven't been here for nearly 4 days.

I have been sick with a horrible tummy bug and been hanging out at Clikchics.
With all the great celebrations.

I have been able to download some great kits. And being in a wonderful group of girls.

They are caring and thoughtful and most of all funny.

I have never been in a forum with so much activity.

Here is one of the layout's where I have used a part of the birthday mega kit.


what a morning.

This morning has been full on at Clikchics. everyone enjoying the birthday celebrations..
We have been having so much fun -playing games-- the treasure hunt was great. and meeting new people and leaving comments on layouts ( another challenge)
If you get a chance go and join in on the fun.
hope to see you there

want a sneak peak at one of the fantastic prizes
got be there to join in on the fun and grab this wonderful kit.