
hey hey Kellie

Wow i just been over to kellie's blog . check out kel's little oodddlee . love them girl.
Well the hey i am back here made on page . I cant believe how you need to get back on the bike and ride again.
Been checking out Nuts 4 Digi and need to go check out Kellie's site.
Things look really great there and what a big surprise i got .
Well love you all and chat to you soon
Tracey love the kids costumes XX
Little Miss Nikki . This year the school took the children to Harvey Bay for thier annual camp .
Nikki was so worried that she would miss her mum way too much so i left a little message in her sleeping bag for her. She had a blast and mum was like only missed for the good nite girl kiss

Hello Ladies

Hi Ladies.
I am slowly getting back into the swing of things. As most of you know that I have had a few problems this year . but well lets hope they all start to sort themselves out.
I had to resign from Nuts4Digi due to the situation. But I am sure that you will still enjoy visiting there. SO back to the drawing board and lets start DIGI SCRAPPIN.
Love to you all and so happy to be back.