
Ben and his dad

here is ben with his dad Stephen. having a little fun with each other.

I just can't believe it....

Love you girl.
Amanda is my sister-in-law and she has done something awesome for me today.
This little lady went to a sale and asked me what I would like ... Anything is great - you know me.
well this is what my anything is great.
$467.85. for $100.00

Just love it all. You are a true sweetheart.


would anyone like to have these cd roms.

I have Dorling Kindersley CD Learning Roms.

Learning Ladder - preschool...ages 3-5
Learning Ladder - Year 3 ages 7-8
I love Maths - ages 7-11
I love Spelling ages 7 - 11

they all run on windows 98 i can't use them anymore on the new computer.
they have been used but they are still in great shape.
If anyone is interested please let me.


Tracy had a wonderful time at camp.

Hey Tracey glad you had such a wonderful time at camp.
Love the green theme.
Hope to see your layouts that you have completed.
I'm have been meaning to do some cards today.. Just don't have the energy.

BFN ~Tess~

Many funny faces of Ben..

well i think i have found the problem.

And it is not to do with my blog.

So If anyone is having trouble with the nav bar. you need to right click and open in new window.
Just have a look at this face.. _ opening the front door.

 Posted by Picasa

A trip to a dam and everyone got wet.
This pic was used for a digital layout. Posted by Picasa

How are you to day

hopw this is working.


Major big problems

Hi I am having big problems at the moment my links aren't working and I have to go around in circles just to post.
Well Hello everyone for this week.
Is everyone getting in the spirit for christmas. Nikki asked if we can put the tree up already.
We have a tradition that the tree goes up on the 1st of December and she is already busting at the seams.
I would love to wish Mel and Peter a very Happy Anniversary for today. And Happy birthday to Jan.
Hope both you ladies have a wonderful day.

I have been around looking at jewellery and sound these beautiful necklaces but they are in the UK very nice.
I would love to be able to make something like this its beautiful

have you ever wondered what would happen if you didn't turn of the tap in the kitchen sink when you go chasing the kids...... water on the floor.. I was so upset with myself .... lucky not to much got on the floor before I realized what happened.

thinking of Christmas presents for teachers at the moment... No idea.. Got to put the thinking cap on.
I feel like scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz -- If only I had a brain.
At the moment it is full of accounting numbers. and I would love to get a bit creative now.
Hope you are all well

BFN ~Tess~